Course curriculum

    1. Why is this section important?

    2. Boost your Pronunciation | A - G

    3. Quiz-pronunciation A - G

    4. Boost your Pronunciation | H - O

    5. Quiz Pronunciation H - O

    6. Boost your Pronunciation | P - T

    7. Quiz Pronunciation P - T

    8. Boost your Pronunciation | U - Z

    9. Quiz Pronunciation U - Z

    10. Boost your Pronunciation | Sp, St

    11. Quiz Pronunciation - Sp, St

    12. Boost your Pronunciation | ie, ei, eu, au

    13. Quiz Pronunciation - ie, ei, eu, au

    14. Boost your Pronunciation | tsch, sch, ch

    15. Quiz Pronunciation - tsch, sch, ch

    16. Boost your Pronunciation | Eszett ß

    17. Quiz Pronunciation - ß

    18. Boost your Pronunciation | Umlaut Ä, ä

    19. Quiz Pronunciation - Ä, ä

    20. Boost your Pronunciation | Umlaut Ö, ö

    21. Quiz Pronunciation - Ö, ö

    22. Boost your Pronunciation | Umlaut Ü, ü

    23. Quiz Pronunciation - Ü, ü

    24. Listen to native speakers | Der Umlaut

    25. Boost your Pronunciation | Äu, äu

    26. Quiz Pronunciation - Äu, äu

    27. Exercise – Pronunciation Test | See the PDF file for questions

    28. Exercise – Hints for the Pronunciation Test | See the PDF file

    29. Exercise - Pronunciation Test | Check your answers

    30. Nouns | Die Nomen

    1. Why is this section important?

    2. Formal greetings | "Guten Tag Mr. German" | sich begrüßen

    3. Exercise1 | Meet and Greet

    4. Exercise2 | Meet and Greet

    5. Informal greetings | "Hallo Mr. German" | sich begrüßen

    6. Listen to native speakers | sich begrüßen

    7. The Farewell | "Tschüs Mr. German" | sich verabschieden

    8. Exercise3 | Meet and Greet

    9. Listen to native speakers | sich verabschieden

    1. Why is this section important?

    2. Addressing a person or a group | Die Personalpronomen

    3. Let's revisit the pronouns with examples | Die Personalpronomen - Beispiele

    4. Listen to native speakers | Personalpronomen

    5. Exercise1 | Personalpronomen

    6. How to get the titles right? | Herr & Frau Anreden

    7. Listen to native speakers | Herr und Frau Anreden

    8. Exercise2 | Personalpronomen

    9. The mighty 'YOU' | siezen und duzen

    10. Exercise3 | Personalpronomen

    11. Did you get it right? | siezen und duzen - Beispiele

    12. Listening Practice | Personalpronomen

    13. End of section Quiz | Personalpronomen

    1. Why is this section important?

    2. "I am hardworking, not lazy" | die Adjektive

    3. The most common and important Verb | sein

    4. Exercise1 | Choose the right form of sein verb

    5. Is writing a simple sentence this easy? | Let's write sentences

    6. A bit more precision | Let's add some words to sentences

    7. Exercise2 | Choose the right form of sein verb

    8. Listening Test | Listen to native speakers

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  • 84 lessons

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